


Minggu, 15 Desember 2013

My Train, My Soul

Telah berapa lama aku mengenal Oksigen? Telah sejauh mana aku melangkahkan kaki? Telah setinggi apa aku tumbuh? Telah berapa banyak karbohidrat yang masuk dalam tubuhku? Namun sampai saat ini aku belum bisa menjawab, siapakah sahabatmu?
Selama aku hidup, aku belum pernah merasakan hangatnya persahabatan. Terasa aneh saat teman sebaya mengindahkan persahabatan mereka. “Mereka selalu ada buat aku.“ Itulah kata mereka yang memiliki sahabat. Mereka yang alay, atau aku yang tidak pernah merasakannya? Terasa asing di telingaku saat mereka menceritakan kisah kisah mereka dengan para sahabatnya.
Penasaran, sungguh aku heran, kenapa mereka begitu menghargai persahabatan. Dalam setiap langkah berikutnya, aku mencoba untuk mendapatkan sahabat. Mereka yang akan bisa mendengarkan setiap keluhanku. Mereka yang selalu ada untukku bersandar. Mereka yang akan menghiburku ketika sedih. Selama ini, mereka yang seperti itu ada untukku. Namun kehadiran mereka layaknya kereta api, hanya berlalu begitu saja tanpa atsar yang jelas untukku. Bergantian menghampiri tanapa ada arti. But someone told  me that trains are not only trains, they have stations and passangers. Mungkin akan ada waktu di saat kamu akan menjadi penumpang yang akan terus bersamanya ataupun menjadi tempat pemberhentian akhir kereta tersebut. I do hope that I can find my “train” soon, but I haven’t.

Mencoba mendekat dan merendahkan diri untuk mengenal mereka yang ada disekitarku. Hanya sekedar menyapa dan menyapa ternyata belum cukup untuk mendapatkan kereta itu. Terus berbenah membuatku tiadak nyaman dengan perubahan itu. Menjadi orang lain untuk mencari orang lain, menurutku itu tidak benar. Mereka, siapapun itu, aku akan sangat bersyukur jika mereka mau menerima aku. My train is my mirror, they will have me whoever I am, and give me a way to make me better.

Sabtu, 03 November 2012

What a Mirror

Life is like a tree
Even it has a big Trunk

Has a dense leaf
But if there is no fruit

It'll be vain

                     Life has so many hours
to make you better
                     Life let you get the chance

                     for you to change
                     You ignore it all

What a pity you are !
What a pity !
What a pity !
What a pity !
What a pity !

                                     Can you look at your mirror ?
                                     Can you see how much your time wasted for ?
                                     Don't you aware about your useless job ?
                                     Don't you want to change yourself ?
                                     Before it gone

Don't cry because it's over
Smile because it happened
You only live once
But if you do it right
Once is enough

Minggu, 30 September 2012

Effisien Election

     This child's article will show you guys all election about. There will be some opinions about how a god election did, how the facts are, and so on. Don't take to long, check it out.
       Election is a tool to do a wisdom to choose the best leader for us in a certain area. Indonesian's law has its own penal provision about election, it called by "LUBERJURDIL". They stay on their path, and they have six path for it, those are: Live, Universal, Freedom, Honest, and Equitable. Those six path are the contain of "LUBERJURDIL", beside of it Indonesia state also keep up the accountability, representation, and legitimacy principle.

     Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as Indonesian's president said the election should be free and fair,the election  should has a credible organizer,  should has effective implementation, and use the faith wisely. Those SBY's points tried to be realize by Dormitory Organization in SMAN 10 Malang (Sampoerna Academy) to choose head of Dormitory Committee.
      Dorm Organizer prepare the election for 2 months to get a special election ever in the SMAN 10 Malang's dormitory. The result, they have 7 days for the election. They take the candidate from the trustworthy man in each house, and each candidate has interview with 18 of House's Presidents and from 9 candidates will leaves 6 candidates to go on next step.
     The next step will let the candidates have a live interaction with other students, and the students give their feed back with giving the faith tag and 3 candidates which get higher faith tag will be a real candidates. After 3 candidates chosen, there will be universal election to get the best leader and the result is Ahmad Nando was chosen as head of Dormitory Committee.
     I think this election processions are fair enough, even the first election step was handled by some people but I think the goal is good to choose qualified leaders. Finally the chooser are from all of students, aren't it?

Jumat, 28 September 2012

My Leader's Election

This child's article will show you guys all election about. Don't take to long, check it out.

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